Beta USA Parts Department Shipping & Return Policy
All orders over $150 dealer cost, currently in stock, will ship via ground service for free. This is per order, we cannot combine or edit orders after they are placed.
All backordered parts will be shipped for free as long as they were originally placed on an order over $150.
Drop-shipments will also be shipped for free, same rules apply, just enter the information in the shipping address. Anytime the shipping address does not match the billing address we do not include an invoice in the box.
Free freight applies to ground service only. We may choose between FedEx and Postal depending on cost.
All Expedited Shipping (One, Two, or Three Day Air) will be charged to the dealers account. Due to the high volume of orders we are unable to give quotes ahead of time as the price is based on the weight and size of the box which can only be determined after your order is boxed up. *Please note that plastics, tanks, subframes, exhausts, seats, etc. are large items will be very expensive to expedite because of the size of the box.
A 10% restocking charge can be applied to all parts returns (minus Beta USA shipping errors or product defects). All returns must be in their original package and deemed sellable. No returns allowed on special order parts, garage sale items, parts that have been discontinued, or any facemasks